Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Through the Hole

A splinter of winter has entered my soul
But, into its center, Light shines through the hole

Friday, April 22, 2011


My death could never change the course of history

But still, a few would grieve that I was gone

How then, can one explain to me the mystery

That Almighty God would come to die alone?

He suffered in shame to pay for our salvation

He gave His life to lift those that were lost

And the elation in His sacred Incarnation

Was matched by misery every moment of the cross

So, when I ponder on the Glory He departed

And the sufferings He came to see and know,

I cannot see how our sad souls were regarded

As being worthy of His blood that overflowed

Yet, for the joy that He beheld before Him

All this agony and cruelty He endured

And, knowing that the masses would ignore Him,

Christ died to cry that He could be their Cure

But this supreme of all surrenders had not ended

For His victory was not fully achieved as yet

And, once Sin’s claim on men had been rescinded,

God’s death reversed, and killed the curse of death

His resurrection affords us an assurance

Of free life now and abundant life to come

We can know Him now and peer into His Presence

And, one day, He will herald us all Home

So, let each day bring upon me the doom of dying

Then let me grasp His life and learn to live again

And, as I reach for Him and realize I’m rising,

Let me die and resurrect and be like Him

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Among Thorns

I have watched a flower bloom

And impose its power over gloom

The flowers’ robes with glory shine,

Surpassing all that kings may find

Yet, on these garments men may tread

Though they best any silken thread

Stranger still, the blossom’s Divine Designer

Whose glory glows with threads much finer,

He Who scattered velvet on the ground,

Came to wear thorns in His crown

Monday, March 14, 2011

Atop Mountains

I have gazed on mountain heights

But I could not stay to obtain the sight

The more I look, the more I find to see

The more I know the depth of my triviality

For the greatest work of the hands of man

Could not so long nor so grandly stand

Yet, the God who founded the highest peak

Came as a Man who lived with the meek

And the Master who called the heights from the tide

Humbled Himself and climbed one and died

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beneath Stars

I can see beyond the stars
But I cannot reach near that far
And the more I watch them soar along
The more I long to hear their song
But my reach, my grasp, even my sight
Are far too far from their valiant flight
I wonder, then, how it could be
That the stars and all their majesty
Where named by a God Who stoops so far
To own and heal a broken heart

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dream of a Waking Soul

I dreamed, it seems, that I may dream and bring to light the World unseen
And the thoughts that I thought and the visions I sought brought to light what sight could not
But even my dreams are inferior means to span the ravine that lies in between
And the works my hand wrought and the stories I taught are not but a jot to what He begot
And my hands are unclean and they corrupt what I glean but they cannot demean the Gleam of this heavenly Theme
For Grace has made me more than man may make and Glory gave me more than I can take
So, I live for my God’s sake and inside I ache to dream awake

Monday, November 22, 2010

This Fragile Heart

This fragile heart is cracking and seems to be destined for pain
Indeed it is quite sadly lacking, and all of its motives are vain

My quivering soul seems unable to hold up when put to the test
Its stability is famously unstable, and its certainty doubtful at best

The mind above all is confusing and often will argue two sides
Either way I end up losing and find myself running to hide

Less than these would I praise power, for it fades as fast as the dew
And the might of a man is a vapor, and his reach is surpassed by his view

So why You would want my affection remains a great mystery to me
My most eloquent, earnest confession still comes as a pale, broken piece

My heart cannot love what you are worth; my soul cannot follow You true
My mind can’t conceive what You pour forth; my strength can never do

I still am infected with leaven, and all my parts prone to deceit
You call me upward to heaven while the ground still pulls at my feet

But You placed deep within me a Fire, Whose source must be from Above
It burns to be what You desire; with all my heart, soul, and power to love

So my feeble attempts I’ll surrender, and attempt to shore up their frame
For the only results I can render comes from the strength of Your name